add_severity() is an Add function that updates an object by adding new values to new or empty fields. Specifically, this function implements an algorithm to add severity. The function returns Data (a tibble).
appointments_var_1L_chr = "Appointments",
date_var_1L_chr = "Date",
disciplines_chr = c("DE Psychology", "Dietetics", "Psychiatry", "Psychology"),
end_date_dtm = lubridate::ymd("2024-06-30"),
provider_var_1L_chr = "ProviderID",
service_var_1L_chr = "Service",
severity_var_1L_chr = "Severity",
tenure_var_1L_chr = "Tenure",
uid_var_1L_chr = "UID"
- data_tb
Data (a tibble)
- severity_args_ls
Severity arguments (a list)
- appointments_var_1L_chr
Appointments variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Appointments'
- date_var_1L_chr
Date variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Date'
- disciplines_chr
Disciplines (a character vector), Default: c("DE Psychology", "Dietetics", "Psychiatry", "Psychology")
- end_date_dtm
End date (a date vector), Default: lubridate::ymd("2024-06-30")
- provider_var_1L_chr
Provider variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'ProviderID'
- service_var_1L_chr
Service variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Service'
- severity_var_1L_chr
Severity variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Severity'
- tenure_var_1L_chr
Tenure variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'Tenure'
- uid_var_1L_chr
Unique identifier variable (a character vector of length one), Default: 'UID'